Protecting Great Lakes habitat

Federal Investments are Restoring Habitat

Since 2009, more than 167,000 acres of coastal, upland, island, and wetland habitat have been restored or enhanced, allowing countless species of birds, fish, and reptiles to thrive. Restoration of streams, forests, and fields have contributed to a strong outdoor tourism industry in the region. For example, thanks to federal restoration funding, the trout population in Michigan’s Coldwater River jumped from 40 trout per mile to more than 1,500 per mile over a 5-year period. And a study published in 2020 showed that these investments are producing results: every $1 invested in restoration generates $2 in return.

But Serious Threats Remain

Habitat degradation from development and pollution is still a problem around the Great Lakes. Many dams or culverts block rivers and prevent fish from reaching their spawning grounds. Wetlands, which play a crucial role in keeping the Great Lakes clean and healthy, are not as prevalent as they once were. Fish, birds, and even people in the region benefit greatly from Great Lakes restoration. We need the federal government to invest in Great Lakes restoration through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and other supporting programs.


Featured Success Story

Renovated Water Pump Improves Conditions
at Large Game Area

The replacement of a failed pump structure at the Nayanquing Point State Wildlife Area in eastern Michigan has restored a large wetland, improved wildlife habitat and increased waterfowl hunting opportunities.