Help Us Shape the Future of Great Lakes Restoration through the Next Action Plan

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) was first launched in 2010 and has since provided funding for thousands of projects across the region, restoring and protecting water for people, wildlife, and communities totaling close to $5 billion.

Every four years a new Action Plan is developed, which guides the EPA and the agencies in directing where GLRI investments go. The current plan—Action Plan III—is set to expire in 2024, so the EPA is beginning to gather input for the formation of Action Plan IV, which will cover 2025-2029. Helping shape a strong Action Plan IV is a top priority for the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition. The Coalition has been working to gather recommendations for the upcoming plan and we are looking to get feedback on what we’ve compiled so far. The Coalition is placing a priority on two cross-cutting imperatives: climate change and equity. In other words, the power of the GLRI should be leveraged to fight the impacts of climate change on the Great Lakes and to ensure no community is disproportionately impacted by risks facing the Great Lakes region. These recommendations will be given to the EPA prior to and during the public engagement sessions they will be hosting over the summer (we’ll provide more information on how to participate in these sessions once the EPA announces them). 

For Action Plan IV we’ll be hosting four feedback sessions based on the GLRI’s different focus areas, but we’ll be starting off with one general information session that gets into what the Action Plan is, why it matters, and how folks can be involved. This session will be particularly helpful for folks who are less familiar with the GLRI Action Plan process or do work in less technical spaces.

Note: the red text in the above document refers to our recommended edits to the Action Plan.

Note: the bolded text in the above documents refers to our recommended edits to the Action Plan.



GLRI: Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

TEK: Traditional Ecological Knowledge

SFGLAES: Superfund and Great Lakes Architecture & Engineering Services

AOC: Area of Concern

PAC: Public Advisory Council

GLMRIS: Great Lakes & Mississippi River Interbasin Study

USACE: US Army Corps of Engineers

MPOs: Metropolitan Planning Organizations

NGOs: Nongovernmental Organizations

GHG: Greenhouse gas

APIV: Action Plan IV

APIII: Action Plan III

GLWQA: Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

HUC: Hydrologic Unit Code


Please register for each session individually. If there is a session you would like to attend, but are unable to do so, we will also be sending out a form where you can send us your feedback. These sessions are open to all HOW Coalition members and partners - we hope you will join regardless of your direct GLRI experience.

Introduction: GLRI and Action Plan IV: Why it Matters and How You Can Be Involved

Wednesday, May 3, 1 PM ET/12 PM CT



Focus Area: Toxic Substances and Areas of Concern

Monday, May 8, 12 PM ET/11 AM CT


Focus Area: Invasive Species AND Focus Area: Habitat Restoration and Native Species

Tuesday, May 9, 10 AM ET/9 AM CT


Focus Area: Nonpoint Source Pollution

Monday, May 15, 1 PM ET/12 PM CT

Focus Area: Foundations for Future Restoration Actions

Wednesday, May 24, 11 AM ET/10 AM CT